New Glyph Style

A while back I formatted the dictionary with a simpler glyph style. I thought it would be helpful to use a very basic style for the dictionary. You saw it was very blocky.

I’m trading it in for a more stylized format. After all, there’s no sense in being boring.

The beautiful thing is, it’s now actually easier.

Here’s how it looks.

Guess what this says.

4 thoughts on “New Glyph Style

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      1. Perfect!!!

        Now for a little story…

        When I first decided to unveil the new glyph style I rushed to my dictionary and made up that sentence. I day later I re read and realized the glyph I thought was “take care of” was actually “take charge of”, which I thought due to the context was a little off. But I kept it. So yes. It could mean that.

        In fact I like it more. The word pwi could also mean to wrap or to cover. Which also I wouldn’t want done to Pop pop.

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